echo '#!/usr/local/bin/bash cmd="/sbin/ipfw -q" $cmd -f flush $cmd disable one_pass $cmd add allow all from any to any via lo0 $cmd add deny all from any to $cmd add deny all from to any $cmd add deny all from any to any frag # ssh $cmd table admin create missing $cmd table admin add $cmd table admin add $cmd add check-state #$cmd add allow tcp from any to any established $cmd add allow all from any to any out keep-state $cmd add allow ip from "table(admin)" to me 22 # Ping $cmd add allow icmp from "table(admin)" to me in icmptype 8 $cmd add allow icmp from me to "table(admin)" out icmptype 0,8 $cmd add allow all from any to any $cmd add deny log all from any to any' > /etc/ipfw.script sysrc firewall_enable="YES" sysrc firewall_script="/etc/ipfw.script" sysrc firewall_logging="YES"